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Bedroom Size
6 Bedroom
5 Bedroom
4 Bedroom
3 Bedroom
2 Bedroom
1 Bedroom
Studio or Efficiency
Group Home for Behavioral or Developmental Disability
Voucher - Section 8
Voucher or Transitional Assistance - State-Funded
Voucher - VASH for Veterans
Voucher - City-Funded (Washington DC only)
Temporary Rental Assistance Programs - DON'T USE!
Selecting BR sizes helps to locate specific rows in long inventory lists.
AMI Assignments
Must answer
N/A (Transitional or Shelter)
15% AMI
26% AMI
30% AMI
40% AMI
50% AMI
60% AMI
65% AMI
70% AMI
75% AMI
80% AMI
90% AMI
100% AMI
110% AMI
120% AMI
125% AMI
don't use
No inventory yet defined for this program.